Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How Do You Know God?

(As published in the Southern Community Church of Christ Sentinel - May 4, 2008)

I have been at Southern for nearly two and a half years now. It takes time to get to know people. I have spent time with all of you, in some way or another. With some it has been a shake of the hand and a “How are you today?” With others I have sat in your homes and listened to the important stories of your past and the things that are pressing on you in the present. It takes time and intentional energy to get to know people.

It’s the same with God. God is all around us and influencing every aspect of our lives, but unless we take time to sit with and intentionally converse with God we can miss out on so much of what God has to offer.

At every funeral I have ever been to I have always learnt more about the person who has passed than I knew before hand. The wonderful stories of their lives are told with love and sense of treasure, by the loved ones of the person who has passed. They have spent intentional and intimate time with their loved ones and have walked the journey with them.

What if there was so much more that God wanted to offer you in your life, but because of busyness and lack of intentional relationship with God, you were missing it? What if you are carrying so much of the heaviness that life brings on your own shoulders, when Christ is right there, offering to make your burden light, yet you don’t see the invitation?

An invitation not accepted retains the gift intended. How do we know God? - by intentionally seeking God’s face; by intentionally being in relationship through community, prayer, worship, stillness, awe, unconditional love for each other…

“Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10a

Linda Hannah Young

Monday, April 21, 2008

My Lost Identity!

A few months ago my Passport was stolen at San Francisco Airport. After a harrowing experience of feeling like some sort of illegal alien, I was able to get an Emergency Passport and be on my way again. Last week I went to renew my Passport. After going through all the hoops of showing my birth certificate, marriage certificate and various other forms of proving my identity, I accidentally put down my folder whilst in a shop - again, my identity was once again lost.

After feeling pretty bad about it all I started to reflect on identity. Surely I am worth more than the papers that happen to inform the world of who I am! Have we been reduced to who we can prove ourselves to be?

Well unfortunately the papers have not been found and I don't know whether they ever will be, but one thing I do know is that we are all worth much more than any government, society or political system can reduce us to. I remember hearing John Lennon say that we as a society can't even go from one piece of land to another (Canada to USA) without silly bits of paper with funny rubber stamp imprints, anymore! "Imagine!"

Monday, April 14, 2008

Many thanks...

Thank you to all who have contributed to both my blog and my home email address. Your love and encouragement has been overwhelming.

Participated in a beautiful Open Heart Meditation last Sunday. The main message of the meditation was to always remember to smile - to smile at your heart and expect the Source of Truth to reveal something new to you. It resonated greatly with my exploration about the notion of us all having our Unique Heart-Song. A song co-written with our Creator that only we can sing to the world. When we learn how to let those melodic vibrations of our heart out to the world, it will merge with true heart-songs sung by so many others, to make this world a beautiful place.

I love the thought of being co-creators with God in bringing about harmony to the planet.

Stay tuned for more as this story continues to emerge.........

Friday, April 11, 2008

REVIEW: A Note for Children: an Imaginative Journey into Music

By Cheryl M.Reifsnyder, Ph.D.

(Reviewer and 1st place winner in the children's division
of the 2007 PPWC Writers Contest.)

Styled as a friendly letter from a worldwide traveler, A Note for Children introduces children to the whimsical land of “Treble Clef.” There, author Linda Hannah Young creates appealing and memorable characters who demonstrate a variety of simple rhythmic notations—such as the quarter note, Mr. Crotchet, who only walks (walk-walk-walk-walk,) and the half note, Ms. Minim, who only slides (sli-ide—sli-ide.) The imaginative character descriptions are coupled with colorful, computer-enhanced watercolor visuals and simple memory aids that will help children to learn and remember the meanings of different types of rests, notes, and more. Each concept is accompanied by a simple song that lets children experiment with their new music knowledge.

The book’s playful characters and stories grew from Young’s ten-plus years’ experience teaching music. Through story, she translates abstract musical concepts into appealing language and examples that children will understand and remember. Parents and educators will find this book an invaluable tool for introducing children to the basics of music notation. For students ready for additional challenge, the text is sprinkled with more advanced concepts and symbols to explore. Accompanying features include simple songs that reinforce learning points and a glossary of musical terms. The book’s end hints at a broader world of music, still awaiting the reader’s discovery.


A Fresh Note...

Hey Everyone,

This is my first attempt at blogging. I am excited by all this new technology and it's quite a challenge attempting to learn it all.

I must say, although I have always been a 'vote swinger' I am so proud of Kevin Rudd and his comments about Tibet. He demonstrates that it is possible for politicians to be truthful and diplomatic at the same time. It just seems so unjust that a huge country like China should need to intimidate a small, passive country such as Tibet. Go Kev!

Please feel free to add your comments and keep the conversation going...
